09 Lounge

Theo lounge pieces consist of a striking compact club chair, armchair, generous armchair, three lengths of sofa and two lengths of sofa return.

All provide a high level of comfort and are ideally suited to reception areas, hotel or office lounge use.

The matching coffee table comes in one size and completes the set providing ample storage for magazines on the storage shelf underneath the table top.

10 Arm Chair
Leather contemporary Armchair in Reception
Theo Lounge
Green arm chair with wooden sled base for contract use
Yellow contract sofa with wooden base
Orange L shaped contract sofa with wooden base
leather contract arm chairs in hotel atrium area
257 Atrium Street Edit Export
292 Lounge Dom Double Door Redo Edit
01 Club
291 Dom Liv Redo Laptop Edit


The Theo Lounge range is available in a wide selection of sizes, fabrics and stains


02 Club
08 Arm Chair
25 Wide Arm Chair
29 Sofa 2 Seater
30 Sofa 2 Seat Large
35 Sofa 3 Seat
39 Corner
43 Large Corner
297 Reception Carpet Adj Redo Edit
47 Sofa 2 Seat Large
50 Sofa 2 Seat Large
42 Large Corner
24 Wide Arm Chair
312 Dark Reception Oak Version Edit
32 Sofa 2 Seat Large
Theo Sofa & Arm Chairs
46 Low Detail
22 Wide Arm Chair
49 Club
200 Reduced Arrangement
51 Arm Chair
18 Arm Chair
14 Arm Chair
83 Theo Inf Office Edit



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